
Friday, 6 January 2017

Most Likely symptoms detected in Babies and Children having hearing loss.

Hearing loss can affect people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly. In older children and adults, hearing loss is often easier to identify. But in infants and young children, it may be more difficult to recognize.
Below are some of the common signs associated with hearing loss in both babies and toddlers/young children.
  • Did not pass newborn hearing screening
  • Does not startle or react to loud sounds
  • Does not babble, or starts babbling at a young age and then stops
  • Does not respond to familiar voices
  • Does not say any words by 12 months of age (even “mama” or “papa”)

Toddlers/Young Children:
  • Has delayed or unclear speech
  • Does not respond to voices or sounds when they cannot see you
  • Asks for repetitions or says “huh” a lot
  • Does not follow directions
  • Needs the television turned up louder than normal
  • Misses soft sounds or distant sounds
If you suspect your child may have hearing loss, contact the child’s pediatrician or a pediatric audiologist (hearing specialist) immediately for a hearing evaluation.