Regular readers of Healthy Hearing know we've covered the problem of
cerumen - commonly called ear wax - in previous editions. Why? Well, we
all have it and ear wax can cause temporary hearing problems. Also, for
persons with hearing aids, cerumen can be more common and wreak havoc on
your hearing aids.
So despite the inherent "ewww factor"
associated with ear wax, let's take a look down your ear canal and
provide the latest on ear care.
It's Natural
Cerumen builds up in our ear canals |
Cerumen isn't a sign of poor hygiene or an oversight. The production of cerumen is natural and it serves a beneficial purpose.
is produced by glands that line the outer third of the ear canal and it
isn't wax at all. It's water-soluble (it dissolves in water) and it's
there to collect dust, debris, dead skin cells, hair spray and all the
other gunk that would, otherwise, work its way down the ear canal to the
tympanic membrane or ear drum.
So, by capturing this gunk before
it collects deeper in the ear, the delicate workings of the inner ear
are protected. By reaming out ear wax with a cotton swab, toothpick or
some other "entrenching tool," you're actually hurting yourself. Stop
cleaning your ears - at least stop reaming out your ear canal with
whatever's close at hand.
AAO-HNSF (yes it's a mouthful) has issued new cerumen removal
guidelines for hearing care professionals; however, the guidelines
contain information that is useful for all to take home and stick inside
their medicine cabinet.
"Approximately 12 million people a year
in the U.S. seek medical care for impacted or excessive cerumen," said
Richard Rosenfeld, MD, MPH, Chair of the AAO-HNSF Guideline Development
Task Force. "This leads to nearly 8 million cerumen removal procedures
by health care professionals. Developing practical clinical guidelines
for physicians to understand the harm vs. benefit profile of the
intervention was essential."
You bet. And it's just as important
that we all understand these new guidelines. It's a universal bodily
function, but one that can cause problems, especially among special
groups of people:
- 10% of children have problems with cerumen that require medical attention.
- 5% of adults have a problem serious enough for a visit to the doctor.
- 33% of the elderly have hearing issues associated with cerumen
- 33% of cognitively impaired men and women have problems.
What is so sticky about wax?
the one most of us think about is cosmetic. No one wants to walk around
with wax sitting in the outer ear. But a simple wash with warm water
and soap will remove visible cerumen. Cosmetic problem solved, as long
as the wash cloth stays outside the ear canal. If you use a wash cloth
and stick to the pina - the outer ear - you'll look spiffy. And well
Serious problems occur when cerumen builds up within the
ear canal and becomes impacted or compressed. This can lead to a variety
of problems: • ear pain • sound distortion (your own voice sounds
- a feeling of stuffiness or fullness in the ear canal
- persistent itching • an unpleasant odor
- ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- discharge (an oozing substance that keeps appearing)
- persistent cough
- hearing loss
you experience these symptoms in combination with an excess amount of
cerumen production, it's time to make an appointment with a qualified
hearing care professional to see what's up (or down) in there. These
professionals can quickly diagnose ear wax impaction and have the tools
and techniques to remove the impacted ear wax safely.
Let's put this in bold type because it's that important:
you experience any of the symptoms listed above and you know that you
have ear wax build up, do NOT try to fix the problem yourself. REPEAT:
Do not try to fix the problem yourself.
To put it
simple, don't stick anything down your ear canal. The chances of pushing
deeper the impacted cerumen are simply too great and worse, puncturing
your eardrum (ouch!). And besides, you can't even see what you're doing
in there so see a professional who can handle the problem safely.
The AAO-HNSF Cerumen Guidelines
what do the medical practitioners recommend for handling ear wax. Well,
here are the new guidelines published by the AAO-HNSF:
- Cerumen
is beneficial. It is self-cleaning, protects the inner ear, moisturizes
the ear canal and has anti-biotic properties, i.e. germs don't get
- People who wear hearing aids should be examined
regularly for impaction that can cause feedback, limit hearing and cause
further damage to the ear.
- Ear wax can cause reversible
hearing loss even when 80% of the ear canal's diameter is blocked.
(That's good news, so make an appointment today.)
- Removal techniques include:
At home:
- wax-dissolving agents (some o-t-c products are available for home maintenance)
Water irrigation is one cerumen removal option |
By a hearing care professional:
- irrigation - removing the impacted ear wax with water under mild pressure
- manual removal with special instruments
- suction, carefully controlled and monitored by the hearing professional
care should NOT include: cleaning the ear with a cotton swab, oral jet
irrigators or ear candling. These practices invariably do more harm than
Take the advice of your physician or audiologist who may recommend regular visits for a safe ear cleaning.
Bottom line?
your ears is not a do-it-yourself project like brushing your teeth.
Your ears will take care of themselves under normal circumstances - no
maintenance needed.
However, if you experience symptoms associated
with ear wax impaction, or if you wear a hearing aid, the AAO-HNSF
recommends seeing your hearing care professional every 6 - 12 months.
Peter Roland, MD, who led the team that developed these new hearing
health guidelines put it this way. "The complications from cerumen
impaction can be painful and ongoing, including infections and hearing
loss. It is hoped that these guidelines will give clinicians the tools
they need to spot an issue early and avoid serious outcomes."
Roland's point should be taken to heart, not only by hearing
professionals but by individuals with cerumen problems. You know first
when there's a problem with your hearing.
You're the best,
strongest advocate for good hearing health. So, if ear wax is anything
more unusual than "icky," make an appointment so see a hearing care
professional today.